
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Resources


SafeLink is the Massachusetts statewide 24/7 toll-free domestic violence hotline operated by Casa Myrna.  All calls to SafeLink are free, confidential and anonymous. If you are hearing-impaired, please call the SafeLink TTY number (877) 521-2601.

Rape Abuse and Incest National Hotline

For immediate support call the 24/7 hotline: 800-656-HOPE (4673)

National Domestic Violence Hotline

For immediate support call the 24/7 hotline: 800-656-SAFE (7233)

The NetworklaRed: survivor led organizing to end partner abuse:

For immediate support call the 24/7 hotline: 800-832-1901

Parenting Resources

The Support Network

For support call 413-596-2401 x 3005

Parent Stress Line of MA

For immediate support call the 24/7 hot line 800-632-8188

National Parent Helpline

For immediate support call 855-4AParent (427-2736)

Help finding other supports


For Support call Mass 2-1-1 (627-7211)

If in Franklin or Hampshire Counties, you can call Community Action Pioneer Valley at 413-475-1570.

The Consortium

For support call 800-894-2401

The Salasin Project is a Program of the Western MA Training Consortium. Salasin Project is funded by the Department of Public Health and the Department of Children and Families.

To find out more about other Consortium programs you can visit

Your tax deductible donation goes a long way! ​Donations are processed by the Western Massachusetts Training Consortium’s Network for Good secure donation page.

Be sure to choose “Salasin Project” as your designation so that your gift is received.

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